Monitoring from this server (, San Francisco)
Other locations
The AKmon servers monitor the public Internet presence of Alaskan critical infrastructure (energy, finance, government, medical, telecommunications, transportation, and water) and a few other selected sectors (education).
- For the public: provide objective Internet performance data and trending across multiple Alaskan companies.
- For site administrators: enable troubleshooting of external/upstream issues, chart public-facing performance over time, and get an independent view of exposed hostnames and services -- all without having to maintain your own monitoring instances.
- All hostnames and services are derived solely from public or volunteered sources.
- It is harder to isolate Alaska-specific components of some traditional critical infrastructure (defense and food), so they are not yet included.
- This instance is running from Digital Ocean in San Francisco. Judge latency accordingly.
Suggest a company, host, service, or other improvement.